Friday 14 March

Thursday, Friday & Monday
19, 20, 23 June
Adelaide Showground

Tuesday & Wednesday
24 & 25 June

Thursday 26 June

The Royal Adelaide Beer & Cider Awards (RABCA) is open to beer and cider producers from Australia and New Zealand.
Established in 1844 and relaunched in its current format in 2010, In 2023 RABCA includes thirteen highly coveted trophies up for grabs. Categories include lagers, ales, porters, stouts, reduced alcohol beer, wheat beer, rye beer, alternative grain beers, cider and perry (pear cider).
Exhibits are judged in a blind tasting from both a technical and consumer appreciation perspective, taking into consideration the beer’s appearance, aroma, flavour and overall impression.
A gold medal will be awarded to exhibits that score 17 points and over, a silver medal to exhibits that score 15.5 to 16.9 points and a bronze medal to exhibits that score 14 to 15.4 points.
A trophy will be awarded to the exhibit with the highest points. A Trophy may be awarded to the highest pointing silver medal winning exhibit if a gold is not awarded for that class.

RABCA is the most affordable Royal beer/cider competition in Australia
Receive promotional assets for your product including medallion and trophy artwork
Be in the running for one of ten prestigious trophies including the Grand Prize Trophy for Most Outstanding Beer
Receive personalised feedback on each exhibit from nationally recognised judges
Benchmark your scores against other brewers across Australia and New Zealand
Gain media exposure and promotion through the Awards’ social media channels and publications
Celebrate at the Awards presentation on the opening night of the Adelaide Beer & BBQ festival
Network with other brewers and sponsors at the RABCA presentation
The Royal Beer & Cider Awards engages the most experienced and respected Judges in the industry and endorses the development of future judges.
The process is overseen by a Chair of Judges and includes four separate judging panels. Each panel consists of one Panel Chair, two Senior Judges and a minimum of one Associate Judge.
Stewards play a valuable role ensuring each judging day runs smoothly through the coordination and preparation of exhibits.
Acting as a Steward for RABCA competitions provides unique insight into a specific industry and counts as relevant experience toward an Associate Judge role in the future.
If you are interested in becoming a Steward, please fill out our form below.